Traduzione a cura della prof. Hildegard Weiz
Translation prof. Hildegard Weiz
was in April 1998 when a group of friends, sharing their enthusiasm for music
and choral singing, decided to create the Alpine Choir “Monte Nero”. This
occurred in the Alpine Cultural Centre of Premariacco, a village about 4 km from
At first there were just 15 persons involved in this enterprise but soon this number grew up to the present 36, subdivided into 4 voices.
The subject of their songs are the mountains, but also songs in “friulano” and of popular interest and folklore belong to their repertoire.
The choir “Monte Nero” is heartily welcome anywhere he goes.
His performances either of alpine or social character are innumerable. He participates in numerous choral meetings (about 30 yearly) inside and outside our region Friuli Venezia Giulia, from the sea of Triest up to the mountains of Carnia and Pordenone. He has performed in prestigious concert
halls such as “The Tripcovich” and “Politeama Rossetti” of Triest, the “ Parma Lirica” of Parma,
the theatre “Verdi” of Gorizia, as well as in places of remarkable historical relevance like
the war cemeteries of Redipuglia, Cargnacco and Caporetto.
Besides, he has co-operated and is still co-operating with shows of solidarity in favour of the association “Don Gnocchi” together with the regiment of the “Ottavo Alpini” of Cividale del Friuli.
The choir took part in the choral national meeting of the choirs “Monte Nero” in Alessandria.
He has performed for the emigrants in various European countries: Belgium, Switzerland, Austria,
Slovenia, as well as at the national meeting of the “Alpini”. He had sung in concerts on occasion of
Anniversary of the return of Triest to Italy. His voices have been welcomed in Piedmont, Venetian, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo, Puglia and Sardegna.
His is very active in the social field. Every year he organizes various performances and concerts to collect funds for the voluntary associations.
Moreover, he is the creator and the promoter of the project “Un sorriso in più” to collect funds
to be destined to Mission in Burundi and Nuova Guinea. He organizes every year various free concerts for elder people's homes of our region. Finally, he has created the show “Alpini in Piazza”, regional meeting of the Alpine choirs, which is held in our nice town.
Since his foundation, the artistic and musical direction has been given to the Maestro Mauro Verona.
In May 2006 the choir “Monte Nero” became an independent association with legal and operating office in Cividale del Friuli and he was recognized as official choir of the association
A.N.A. of Cividale del Friuli.